Workshop at Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering/University of Baghdad about the student training at the University of Malta

​Baghdad, Iraq

3, Dec, 2019

A workshop was held on 3/12/2019, at the Biomedical Engineering Department at Al-Khwarzmi College of Engineering. The workshop was organized by the local Meditec team members at the University of Baghdad, Dr Nebras Hussein, Dr Ali Hussein, Dr Ayad Khadum and

Third year student Rami Ammar, who attended the training at the University of Malta, gave a lecture about the main sceintific activities of the medical and practical training for MediTec project funded by Erasmus+ programme. HE also explained the main topics covered in the training such as new generation of teaching methods, health informatics and also health systems management and leadership.

Staff of the Biomedical Engineering department and also visitor from the College of Medicine, Dr Zuhair Abdul Ghafor, attended the lecture. Students from the Al-Khwarizmi of Engineering and also the College of Medicine at the University of Baghdad attended the workshop.

After the lectures, there were couple of questions and discussions from the audience and the presenter answered the questions.


"This website has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union under the ERASMUS plus Programme. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of MediTec Partners and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or of the Programme’s management structures."