Monitoring visit in Jordan by the National Erasmus+ Programme office, Dec, 2018

In Jordan, The 1st monitoring visit by the National Erasmus+ Office/Jordan​; Prof Ahmad Abu El-Haija and  Dr. Reem Al Khader, in December,3 2018. It was organized and held at Jordan University of Science and Technology.  The local coordinator of MediTec in Jordan; Prof Fahmi Abu Al-Rub presented the progress of the project activities, other contact persons of MediTec in Jordan from YU, HU, UJ, PSUT attended and presented the different workpackge and palns.

The experts in the medicine collages from JUST, YU, HU and UJ attended, and during the discussions; the teachers who trained in Kosice, Slovak (1st staff training) shared their feedback on the training; they happily shared their experience from the well-organized training, the new topics and innovative technologies they were trained in Kosice; as they said “Very needed innovation technologies in our collages, we see new technologies that can improve the health systems in jordan, and very needed to us, these technologies never been in Jordan, the Meditec and training met more than our expectations. We think about future collaboration in the fields of new innovation Medical-Engineering technologies”.

This feebdack is the soul of purposes in our project. This project will open various visions for new innovation and new higher education projects in the filed of IT, Engineering and Medicine.

The discussions reflex the implementation, quality and relevance of MediTec Activities. It was very impressing visit for both MediTec partners in Jordan and NEO/Jordan.  













"This website has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union under the ERASMUS plus Programme. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of MediTec Partners and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or of the Programme’s management structures."