Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK)Germany

Prof.Mario Hlawitschka


Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Safarika v Kosiciach(UPJS)SlovakiaDr. Jaroslav Majernikjaroslav.majernik@upjs.sk


MU-Masaryk University

CzechProf.Dr. Aleš BOUREKbourek@med.muni.cz
Int@E UG (Int@E)-GermanyMrs. Juman Ebdahjum.ebdah@gmail.com
Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST)JordanProf.Fahmi Abu Al Rubabualrub@just.edu.jo
University of Jordan (UJ)JordanProf.Ahmed Al Salaymehsalaymeh@ju.edu.jo
Hashemite University HUJordanProf. Ahmed Alkhasawnehakhasawneh@hu.edu.jo
Princess Sumaya University for Technology PSUTJordanProf.Walid Salamehwalid@psut.edu.jo
University of Duhok (UoD)IraqDr. Rund A. Hammoudi Al-Bazzazrund.hammoudi@uod.ac
University of Baghdad (UoB)IraqDr. Ayaid Khadem Zgairdr.ayaidkhadem@gmail.com
University of Basrah (UOB)IraqProf. Nazar S. Haddadnazar.haddad@uobasrah.edu.iq
Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS)IranDr. Mohammad Hossein Nekoofardira_gsia@tums.ac.ir
Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS)IranDr. Mohamad Sadegh Ghasemighasemi.m.s@gmail.com
Yarmouk University (YU)JordanProf. Wisam Shihadehwshihadeh@yu.edu.jo
University of MALTAMaltaProf. Lalit Garg



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