MediTec CBHE Erasmus plus project
[585980-EPP-1-2017-1-DE-CBHE-JP] has taken all measures in order to
institutionalize the Lab of Excellence (LOE) in MediTec in its premises.
The MediTec LOE has been established in December 2018 in
the Faculty of Medicine. It has been incorporated in the curriculum of Medicine
at JUST in the Anatomy Laboratory which is taught for all students in all
health care faculties; i.e., Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, etc. The MediTec
LOE will play a pivotal role in the implementation and sustainability of the MediTec
Project at JUST.
The Expertise and quality control of developed methodical training and manuals for JUST Center are about the Inflammation topics:
1) Video 1: Inflammation 1
2) Video 2: Inflammation 2
3) Video 3: Inflammation 3
4) Video4: Inflammation 4
(you may need access for this ..send if you don't have access)